Registration form

Oulu Open -25

The times are displayed in timezone: Europe/Helsinki

Venue opens: 2025-02-22 12:00

Tick time 12:00 - 20:30

We're organizing an open style boulder competition on 22.2.2025 Saturday at our 24/7 Boulder (opposite main hall). There's no age limit for entering if youths are interested. There will be a qualification round with about 30 routes. Everyone climbs on the same routes. The "grades" will range from 5 to 8a. The amount of routes allows us to set a wider range of styles for different level of climbers. The top 6 from both series will get to compete in the finals. During the qualification round you can try the routes as many times as you can during the competition time. The finalists will be decided by who has the most tops with the least amount of tries.

Route setting will be handled by Niklas Wiechmann and the guys from Asetus attached to make your problems for the competition. Niklas has been a big influencer in the route setting scene and has been setting for +20 years. Some might recognize him from his youtube channel.

Competition site FIN:
Competition site ENG:

Competition venue: Oulun Kiipeilykeskus 24/7 Boulder, Paakakatu 2 (opposite the main hall accross the parking space).
Series: Open men´s and women´s series
Competition fee: Price 35 € (yearly members 25 €). Can be bought from our web shop. If you wish to pay the fee with sport benefits, you can pay at our front desk.
Price includes the competition fee and access to the after party in our main hall.

Registeration: Problemator
Registeration ends: Wed 19.2. at 23.59

Preliminary timetable
10.00 sign up at main hall opens
11.15 sign ups close. All competitors should be at the venue by this time.
11.30 route viewing and recap on qualification rules at 24/7 Boulder
12.00 competition time starts
15.30 competition time ends
15.45 the 24/7 Boulder closes for the duration of finals route setting
18.00 finalists are guided to the quarantine from main hall
18.15 finalists presentation and route viewing
18.30 finals start
Award ceremony and after party when the finals are over. After party + sauna + hot tub is at the main hall side (bring your own swimsuit and towel)!
First name
Last name
Email again to prevent spelling mistakes
Birth date Used for age calculation (eg. in result lists)
Team / Club Shown in eg. result lists
Height (in centimetres) Shown in eg. result lists
We are using captcha to prevent automated entries (robots)
What is the grade that comes after 7c+?

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